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Stickers “Reindeer” Bag of 200


Reindeer Stickers
Sticker is 1-1/2 inch diameter. Total of 200 stickers in the bag. 25 strips of 8 stickers to a strip= 200 only 3 cents per sticker.
Each sticker show the face of the reindeer and the name of the reindeer. Total of 8 different. Sorry there is no Rudolph and Donder is spelled Donner. I buy these already made, I did not design, otherwise there would be a Rudolph and Donder would be spelled correctly

During the year when I am out and about and talking with children, I say to them “Do you want to be one of my reindeer for TODAY”. They almost always say yes, so then I reach into my pocket or bag and hand them one of these stickers.

6 in stock

SKU: Sticker-reindeer Categories: , ,


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